It has been a wonderful and productive summer this year, starting with the APCRS in Singapore. Apart from learning about all the new studies and hearing inspiring stories about saving coral reefs, MISO also presented a study on using Ba isotopes to trace water mixing in Singaporean corals this time. It couldn't have been more perfect than to present the story of Singaporean corals in Singapore.

Summer program
We have two summer program students, You-Chen and Bing-Yu, joining MISO this year. They are both working diligently in the labs. You-Chen is studying the long-term records of Ba isotopes in Singaporean corals to better comprehend the correlation between regional water mixing and the variability of the Southeast Asian monsoon. Bing-Yu is investigating Ba uptake in phytoplankton by cultivating coccolithophores in the laboratory. Both of them have generated many exciting results!

School students visit
Earlier this summer, MISO had the pleasure of hosting several students from Jian De Junior High School in Keelung. Coincidentally, Alan was once a student at the same school. Thanks to Miss Wei, the Earth Sciences teacher from Jian De, for coordinating this visit. For many of the students, it was their first opportunity to see a mass spectrometer. Perhaps this experience will inspire some of them to pursue a career in oceanography in the future!

The summer is not over yet...
While the new semester is on the horizon, summer is not yet over. We are looking forward to the final presentations from our summer program students as they share their captivating experiences with us. Additionally, a MISO dinner is planned, allowing us to bid farewell to friends who will be departing at the end of this season. Although summer may draw to a close, our journey at MISO will persist, with many more friends joining us to collectively explore the wonders of the oceans.
