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Yinyang Sea - heavy metal rock and roll

Alan Hsieh

Our recent field trip to Yinyang Sea in northern Taiwan was a great success! This fascinating acid mine drainage environment, where stream water with high metal concentrations mixes with seawater, creating Fe oxyhydroxide precipitates, provides a unique setting for isotope research. Our MISO team, along with Brandon Stephens's team, collected samples to study metal isotopes and organic chemistry in this dynamic system. It was a fun and productive day with dramatic changes in chemistry!

Minju is measuring the pH with the brightly colored and iron-covered stones in the background.

The team is sampling the mixing zone between the acid mine drainage water and seawater.

The source of the acid mine drainage, the Golden Waterfall.

An umbrella is crucial for water filtration under the scorching sun.

The upstream water is crystal clear before it is contaminated by acid mine drainage.

Nice view, big smiles, and a low pH waterfall!

The view from the top of the mountain.



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